What to Expect as a New Patient
Have you ever been to a specific chiropractor or clinic where you feel like you are on a conveyor belt and just simply a number?
I’ve been a chiropractor now for over 13 years. Luckily, I’ve learned what patient’s deserve and rightfully expect from their chiropractor and treatments. When I started St. Bonifacius Chiropractic 6 years ago, I designed my schedule to allow time for patient’s to be listened to as well as treatments to be very thorough. I actually enjoy doing muscle work before the adjustment as it allows your body to unwind. I find if you allow tension to let-go more naturally, the adjustment will hold longer as muscle memory doesn’t pull everything out of alignment as fast.
The initial visit in my office normally takes about 40 minutes. This includes consultation, adjustment, as well as using a roller table or other necessary therapies. Once we know what your body likes and how to help you most efficiently, follow-up visits are in the 20 minute time frame and this includes treatment as well as necessary therapies.
I find it rare that we would need imaging before starting treatments but there are cases where patient’s are referred out for this before we are able to start treatment.
Thanks for checking into St. Bonifacius Chiropractic. If you are here because you feel like you don’t getting enough from your current chiropractor or simply want a more thorough treatment and adjustment, I may just be the guy for you!